Shift Your Paradigm

Transform Your Workplace

Transformative Thinking… BOLD Results


Connect, Collaborate, Create + People. Passion, Purpose = Shift the Paradigm

 C          +         P            =  CP3


The connecting disposition leads us to seek out others to help find solutions to the challenges we are facing. When we connect we learn from each other building new knowledge and capabilities.

Organizations with high employee engagement outperform those with low employee engagement by



Effective collaboration is rooted in a sense of trust and care for one another. Collaborative organizations invest in supporting social relationships and cultures in which we experience interactions with leaders and colleagues as something valuable and generously offered.


of employees believe that a lack of collaboration was responsible for workplace failures.


Creativity is a business asset. Organizations that foster a culture of creativity generate a self-perpetuating employee experience: By promoting creativity, we engage workers, and engaged workers are more creative.

Only 29%

of workers strongly agree that they’re expected to be creative or think of new ways to do things at work.


People-centered cultures recognize that employee stakeholders are just as valuable as shareholders. Cultures that allow us to connect, collaborate, and get creative, shape how we interact with management, customers, clients and each other.


of employees felt that their superiors view profits or revenues as more important than how people are treated.


Passion is what motivates us. We spend most of our daily hours working. If we are not passionate about what we do the entire day, then surely we will not secure results that we desire.

Only 12%

of employees identify as being passionalte about their work.


Passion without purpose is a lost Opportunity. Purpose drives us to show up and deliver our best because we care.


of executives believe an organization that has shared purpose will be more successful in transformation efforts.

Our Approach

CP3 Paradigm engages, empowers and enables the transformation of company cultures. We shift Paradigms, revealing hidden biases, systemic and workplace inequities, leaving your people honored, collaborative and connected. It is this transformation that dramatically improves employee satisfaction and increases company revenues.

Transforming a company requires going beyond what is known, familiar or even accepted practice, and that transformation begins with dialogue. We help organizations navigate through the change needed to bring the equity and inclusion that produces We make it safe and productive to have the necessary and sometimes difficult conversations.

Your organization’s culture creates the narrative shapes how employees interact with management, customers, clients and each other, impacting every aspect of the business from productivity to market share.

Shifting the paradigm for change creates a culture that promotes inclusion, thrives on diversity and produces the sustainable transformation for continued extraordinary business results.